
Dr. Sawyer Croley uses CareSense, a digital care navigation application that assists patients in their entire surgical journey through a string of communication channels to receive information about their surgery. This application enables patients to interact with their doctors and their team and delivers critical information to patients about their surgery.
In addition, the CareSense mobile application can be used to send reminders and educational materials about the patient’s condition and procedure through various communication means, such as e-mails, texts, alerts, and notifications.
CareSense is a patient-friendly platform that improves overall patient experience by delivering information:
- According to the patient’s preferred choice of communication
- In a timely, organized, and relevant manner – when it is required most
- That answers frequently asked questions and escalate certain questions that requires further clarification
Benefits of CareSense Application Include:
Reminders on Appointment
Patients will receive reminders the day before their appointment so they can prepare any checklists for clarification during appointment and plan their schedule accordingly.
Preparation for Procedure
Patients will receive notification and instructions to keep track of all the necessary steps required to be completed prior to surgery.
Postoperative Care and Recovery Tracking
Patients will be prompted to take medications, perform exercises, arrange transportation, etc during the recovery process. CareSense can also notify the patient’s loved ones to assist with the care process and patient engagement.
Awareness and Education
CareSense delivers information to patients to make sure patients are educated and aware about their procedure from start to the end. Customized videos and educational mails are sent to patients to ensure they understand their surgical journey completely.
Patient Satisfaction
CareSense is a patient-centric interactive application that regularly checks with patients to ascertain the educational materials provided to them have met the objective of improving their knowledge and understanding and the care they need to ensure utmost patient satisfaction.